In short

About me: Spanish (born and currently living in the Canary Islands). Open to move elsewhere, no family or boundaries here; more details on this in the FAQ section.
Recent studies: software development (associate degree), Las Palmas GC: 2015-2018.
Current job: "Business Development Coordinator" at Toyota Canarias (projects and resources management).
Personal: writer (currently 5 books published amongst other works) and blogger since 2000. I've created contents, tutorials and courses on several different areas and some of my creations are ranked worldwide top in their matters.
Others: I have a hybrid profile and my personal skills cover a very wide range, from social/communication to advanced technical knowledge on different topics (especially those related to IT but also others like multimedia, design, teaching or content creation). If you want to see an example of what I can do please check out this video. I speak Spanish, English and German.

Professional History

Until 2014 I had a successful career in the hotel/spa business. At a certain point I decided to look for a new sector that could offer a higher intellectual growth and new challenges, and after some research in 2015 I started software engineering studies.
My plan then was focusing just on my classes and after graduating moving to a foreign country, but after the first year I was recruited by Toyota to join their IT department. I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to combine theoretical learning with a real life job, so I spent the next years working while I finished my studies (successfully completed in 2018).
Being aware of my future life plans after graduating, shortly after that I was contacted by the Toyota CEO office and offered the position I currently have.
(Side note: although I do not work as a software developer anymore it's still one of my hobbies. If you are interested on these topics feel free to check out my GitHub page)


Your current job is not what you had planned. Why did you change?
Once working on software development I realized it had indeed an unlimited intelectual richness potential for me, but my growth in it would be vertical (getting deeper in my narrow area of expertise). The job I was offered gives me the opportunity to grow horizontaly, meaning I am present at every business aspect and deal with an extremely wide variety of contents and topics.
My current position is on a much higher level and my conditions have no comparison with an IT regular job, however climbing the corporate ladder means nothing to me. By personal reasons I fortunately do not need to worry about money and I do not have any special social ambition (my previous career already gave me all that), so I can choose where I want to be just by the personal improvement I can get from the job itself and the people around me. My plan is important, but I am not tied to it and if I find something better I will change it for good.
How would you describe your personality?
I have written several books (some of them being very large projects that took me years to complete), have a successful blog since more than twenty years, practice high level fitness since 2001, and have successfully switched careers among many other successes. I have long-term vision, planning skills, discipline and a strong personality to go through any obstacle to reach my goals.
On the other hand, I come from a sector where the personal relationships are very important (high class hotel industry) and my social skills are quite good. And I am very flexible at adapting to the environment and know well the kind of profile better to be shown in each different situation, which is extremely important in my current position since I work with people from all kind of levels, ambients and profiles and a part of my job is having a good relationship with all of them.
And some of my published works are meant to be an inspiration to others, to work for their goals and overcome the bad situations. I have a strong online community following my blog and some of my books are quite successful (in fact one of them has more than seven million downloads so far) and have helped many people in their lives.
How would you explain your professional profile?
As a natural hybrid. I do my best at a job where a "big picture vision" is needed: I am good at understanding the context and setting priorities to achieve the final goals, not being limited by the intermediate ones. My current position involve managing very different projects (mainly multi-department coordination) but all keeping a global company vision to keep all things working together in the right direction. I connect the high level strategy to the small daily low-level work.
Some things I am good at: information understanding, decisions making, personal relationships, new environments integration, creativity, image and communication. What I am bad at: repetitive brainless tasks (I could do them of course, but sure I will not last long there).
Are you looking for a new job?
More than that, I am interested on finding a new life, which in fact that was one of the motivations of my plan when I decided to switch careers. My current job is very rewarding and I do not think I would change just for money, everything could be possible but there should be something else.
How would a dream job would be for you?
My favourite position (not the only option of course) would be a roaming job, working on international projects that would require living in different countries and moving to a new location after some months or few years. I think this type of activity should be extremely challenging, and knowing other life environments would be an unlimited source of interest.
But any position where I can exploit my skills, learn from the people I work with and have room to grow, is potentially interesting. The most important for me would be finding a (very) long term project, since temporary solutions are not what I am interested on. Plans can always change, but I would be happy joining a team thinking we have common future goals and we can grow together.


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